debclarke glosta on the Sharpie Gallery. if this is a contest, what do we win?
i like the way the page looks when one looks at the view of all of my images. i will put more images up. i just can't figure out what the contest is. and what does one win. all i've noticed is that i give away a lot of rights, and sharpie gets all the bennies without having to give me credit. okay, i understand this. but, what is the contest? and what is the prize? can anyone tell me? do you even bother to click through to the linked site? if so, why?
lookin' for some contact here. hello? hello? hellooooooooooooooooutthere................
Friday, July 30, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
goodmorning gloucester
Deb Clarke represents!
the link above points to a post about me by my friend Paul, the Cape Ann Painter whose website is Paul is the instigator of my regular postings to goodmorninggloucester.
check out Paul's blog and goodmorninggloucester for directions to finding Paul's "Art Rocks". He regularly draws (with a Sharpie! marker) on the cobbled rocks of Cape Ann and leaves them for folk to find, along with info to contact him should they be found. I've encouraged him to upload his pics of his sharpie art to the sharpie showcase that i am represented in.
ps: I'm still working on the portrait of Paul and I found out he lost his favorite hat. I'm encouraging him to allow me to paint a fish on his new cap. To illustrate the idea, i used the unfinished verre eglomise portrait to demonstrate an it. Paul likes the fish on the cap (maybe not the one he will get to replace his lost cap) but he likes it in the painting, so i will incorporate the fish into the back panel of his portrait.
the link above points to a post about me by my friend Paul, the Cape Ann Painter whose website is Paul is the instigator of my regular postings to goodmorninggloucester.
check out Paul's blog and goodmorninggloucester for directions to finding Paul's "Art Rocks". He regularly draws (with a Sharpie! marker) on the cobbled rocks of Cape Ann and leaves them for folk to find, along with info to contact him should they be found. I've encouraged him to upload his pics of his sharpie art to the sharpie showcase that i am represented in.
ps: I'm still working on the portrait of Paul and I found out he lost his favorite hat. I'm encouraging him to allow me to paint a fish on his new cap. To illustrate the idea, i used the unfinished verre eglomise portrait to demonstrate an it. Paul likes the fish on the cap (maybe not the one he will get to replace his lost cap) but he likes it in the painting, so i will incorporate the fish into the back panel of his portrait.
Monday, July 26, 2010
One of my drawings of Captain Joe's!
My drawing of Captain Joe's!
awesome. it is one of my favorite mixed media drawings. visit the site. register, upload or vote. whatever. this is just AWESOME!
awesome. it is one of my favorite mixed media drawings. visit the site. register, upload or vote. whatever. this is just AWESOME!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Sunday Morning Cripple Cove view
This morning we held our painting class in my backyard. we reviewed some work, then the students painted. i drew with my new sharpies. this is the view toward the State Fish Pier with the towers of Our Lady of Good Vogaye on the upper right and the Marchant Street "Tower House" on the upper left. I have since added aluminum leaf to the drawing to help define some of the shapes. will post follow-up. gorgeous day here on the cove, on shore breeze and the air is dry! YES!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Artist on Art
Debbie Clarke on Debbie Clarke
the wip: moving waterfall with water gilded silver on the front surface.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
work in progress: "Waldorf" new wharf pottery, england
fresh Plaster of Paris with the Green Family shards.
it is a messy business that i do.
close-up of the shards. surprise, surprise, they stand!
and here's the thematic line-up.
the plaster is mixed with acrylic gesso.
so, it should be a bit sturdy.
will coat with gelatin or egg glue. maybe egg tempera?
the plaster is mixed with acrylic gesso.
so, it should be a bit sturdy.
will coat with gelatin or egg glue. maybe egg tempera?
art/not art? these shards were dug up in the Green family yard. obviously broken dishes, tossed a bit too far from the water to become beach glass (blue and white pottery shards 'willowware' were my favorite pickings from Pavilion Beach).
is this 'something we keep'?
is this 'something we keep'?
an old demo. i like this sharpie drawing on canvas. has anyone seen the new sharpie ads on tv? i'm sure my use of sharpies has made the art world aware of their great uses. i think they should use some of my work in their ads. put in a word for me OKAY. it's Sanford Sharpie. and i am deb clarke of glosta ma.
Monday, July 19, 2010
water gild in glass
and this is the fresh, set silver leaf on the front of the lighted waterfall picture. i made a video of the process, but other than the good laugh, way too garbled to publish. the mirror has set up, 2 days drying. will show progress, need to burnish, carve the silver, maybe add more leaf.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
1997 income projections
times have changed dramatically in these 13 years. i have no major studio expenses now, and have limited teaching time. i was teaching a lot, producing a lot and had commissions. i made a very small profit last year, this year? i want to get rid of my inventory. need a serious studio/sidewalk sale. will see.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
There's a good laugh in here!
the audio has a lot of garble. i'm blabbing and there's lots of background sound. if you can, wait for the laugh, it is priceless.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Art Not Art
A few years ago I found a dozen of these handblown glass panels at the building center. i incorporated them into wax/gild wire creations. the heat of this summer has melted the wax and most of the cold leaf is now buried in the wax. i like playing around with the idea of what is art, is it the making of something intentional? my intent here was to show off the beauty of the materials.
it's summertime, so here's a pic of my garden, which is coming in later than other gardens around here. must be the shade from the oak.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
It's summer time, so i'm doing my summertime thing
It's summertime and I'm not doing a lot of painting. hot, humid, is understated. this is turning into a summer of old friends. following is a pic of me and my 8th grade girlfriends at the Madfish Grill on Rocky Neck last Sunday. 5 of us are within a 50 mile radius of Essex, one returns regularly from Alaska for a Cape Ann summer. we haven't all been together for a long time, and we picked up just as then, as friends.
following is my dearest friend Laurie. she is a bluegrass singer/musician/gardener extraordinaire. we have been close friends since our 17th year. love this woman. love her family. if you want to buy her music, she is on cd baby. Laurie Keefe. her bluegrass band is "Old Cold Tater". when i first heard music in her house, i knew i always had to have music in my life, and musicians in my home. and that is the way it is.
and following is the Mill River, with a turning tide. Laurie swam, I waded, we talked. and wished the guy in the kayak would have shut up.
my posts will be sporadic. i am researching family history, trying to decide whether to write it or paint/sculpt it. and i'm researching portland cement applications. i have a bunch of 19th/18th century porcelain and glass bottles. and i want to cast some leaves.
enjoy your summer. summer on cape ann is a jewel, i must enjoy it. and I will go to the Beauport Museum this summer! Do you know I have never been there.
oh, one more thing, i'm still working at bananas, following is my eb keeping me in line on a very busy hot, humid, understated Fiesta Friday. Viva San Pietro!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Art Not Art
another blip in the slideshow with an interesting transposition of color. these images are more interesting to me than the actual painting. maybe i will use these ideas for new work, maybe not.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Art Not Art
This is a pic of a painting of capt joes, that is on my screen saver slide show. this image exists no where except on my computer, and the original pic has reverse values. from obtuse angles, i see something else. this image above, that is a resident file on my harddrive, shared here. i have been tempted to paint it; but, why? the image pleases me. what happens when something is closely observed? it changes.
"Take an object, do something to it, do something else to it." Jasper Johns
Art Not Art
a digital pic of my screen saver, which is a slideshow of my digital pics. the original image refers to capt joe's. goodmorninggloucester!
Art Not Art
This is a photo of my screen saver. My screen saver is a slideshow of my digital photographs. This photo that you see on my screen saver exists no where, except as a resident file in my computer, and now it is shared here. The original photo is of the steps to my yard with the gardens cool in green. The colors that are on the computer screen, appear as other colors when the screen is viewed from an obtuse angle.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Art, not Art?
i use plastic packaging as a palette. i rarely throw them away. above is the inside, below is the outside.
it self hangs. keep it, throw it away? can it go in the recycling bin?
Thursday, July 1, 2010
if their mothers only knew, maybe they do
this is the wip: formerly known as the ones who would steal. the figures are all glosta gals that i have known over the years. i'm working from my imagination and have scratched off most of the burnt sienna drawing. i'm keeping this in a drawing state for as long as i can. my internal landmarks are isabel bishop's standing figures, giacometti and edwin dickensen. still working out the space.
the space is bananas vintage store on main street in gloucester ma.
the space is bananas vintage store on main street in gloucester ma.