Thursday, October 8, 2009

The WIP (work in progress) October 2009, state 2

3 figures, state 2, the figure on the right
changed. i will either eliminate it, or turn it
into a Rembrandt "Saskia" pose, the rushed
figure moving through, in my case out of the
picture plane. My drawing reminds me of
Picasso. the feet remind me of giacometti.
it is definitely me. the painting is a glass panel
36x24", worked on both sides, with an oil painting
on canvas support, it also acts as a shadow wall.
the painting occurs in space, with layers of material
scraping, and re-drawing. it is a palimpsest: the
ground and materials show their use, again and again.

3 figures reflecting my kitchen light.

3 figures: the open guts: 36x48" glass left,
canvas right

figures: guts detail, mirrored silver glass left,
right: canvas shadow wall detail

figures guts detail: left glass back, right canvas

figures: glass front, no canvas support

figures: glass with canvas support

figures detail with mirrored silver
my blogger friend Paul at Cape Ann Painter (he's in my links) thought it might be good to show a step-by-step. there is not step by step to my process, but i thought you might enjoy looking into the guts of my unique glass/canvas paintings. I think of these as drawings and sculpture due to the graphic nature of the work and the art appears in space, changing constantly throughout the day due to light source and the color of the paintings surroundings. a work unto itself. enjoy, i sure do!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The WIP (work in progress) October 2009

Figure Series. 36x24" glass and canvas. full size pic, cropped, no flash. followed by flash, followed by detail, no flash

copyright debbie clarke, gloucester ma 2009