Monday, March 8, 2010

Hey, I'm #12 in the Ukraine, and get noticed in Weimar. Very Good.

Check your Geoblogosphere ranking

NOTE: You must have Feedjit's Live Traffic Feed installed on your blog or website to be listed in the Geoblogosphere. You must not be an adult website and your site can not be web spam or contain any malware.
Enter your site hostname or URL below and hit "Check" to see where you rank in the Geoblogosphere. We also check if your site has been listed as spam, adult, containing malware or if you have been listed as a dangerous site with Google or any other companies.

You Rank #12 in: Ternopil', Ukraine

You Rank #478 in: Weimar, Germany

You Rank #804 in: Kalida, United States

Note: We analyze the cities that have sent you the most traffic recently. You may rank in many other cities in the Geoblogosphere.
they like my chair video thoughts.

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