Sunday, June 1, 2008

i remember marc!

ron rogers sat next to me last night at the patio in magnolia. we were catching up on mutual acquaintances and i mentioned the visit of marc (the former postman) via his omaha blog to this blogspot. i asked ron if icould take his picture. he said sure. and tell marc hello!
that's margo in the background. she made the best tips with pilaf and spinach last night. i cleaned my plate.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ron...It's good to see you. It looks like main street has changed. I've been really enjoying seeing the photos. I'm sending a letter and copy of my article about Gerrit to him: found his address on the Internet. The article is called "Thelemic Poet, Soluble Fishtown."

I now work for a Jesuit University in Public Safety : Creighton University in Omaha. I've been trying to get them to buy Ferrini's movie about Charles Olson/Gloucester for the University Library.

My artist friend and I are collaborating on a graphic novel...we'll see how that goes.

New family photo site:

Anonymous said...

I haven't been to The Patio on probably 28 years. Mark Ring regularly takes his mom there and is never disappointed.

How do you like your new spot?