Sunday, March 9, 2008

Brilliant Idea of the Day!

i want to paint the story of my family and friends on cape ann by painting/photographing various houses of said family and friends, then attach short paragraph to each image. the paintings will reflect the way i 'knew' the house, the photo will show the state of things today, the paragraph will be my sojourn.

anna's studio: photoed and up-loaded to lj on 3/11/2008
beacon/centennial hill house: photoed and up-loaded 3/11/2008 blogger & lj
east main street: photoed and up-loaded 3/11/2008 to lj
mumu's house: photoed and up-loaded 3/11/2008 to lj and the magpie nest
pine street: photoed and up-loaded 3/11/2008 to lj
sadler street: photoed and up-loaded 3/11/2008 to lj

alper road: no longer exists, now haven terrace
atlantic street
bass ave
blackburn studio
burned house
concord st
east gloucester square
haskell street
jebeka lane
katy's house
lexington ave studios
linsky's house
magnolia ave
main street studios
maple rd
marble rd
nana's house
nancy's house
Niemi's friend st, western ave
norman ave
pew court: which no longer exists. contact museum librarian
pigeon cove where mum was born
rio drive
rocky neck
sadler street
school street
summer street
the bars
the brick
the cottage
the gas station
the irish mariner
the ramparts
tia's apartments
renee's house
totten lane
uncle moe's house
wittemore house

wow, how many breaths do i have?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This sounds like quite an adventure. I will look forward to seeing your work! Great idea.
