this drawing is constructed with kodak laminate, aluminum leaf, silver leaf, packing tape. the face came through the media, which i defined with charcoal. i have seen this face in european drawings and paintings. i think of hans holbein the younger, da messina, ghirlandiao, titian. i tried to find 'the' drawing that this face came from, but discover it is a composite face drawn from many sources.
i searched 'master drawings' on google this morning. ugh. what a laborious trudge. yes, there were true master drawings and a lot of unmastered drawings. particularly amongst figure/portrait drawings. there is a lot of surface and technique, but no understanding. no bones, no muscles, tendons, ligaments. limp carrots.
my two bits: understand the underlying structure and the surface/technique/style will take care of itself. if you are copying someone's work, study from a master and study the works of the masters that artist studied.