Sunday, June 22, 2008

warrantee religion

Enjoy the peace of mind
that only we can guarantee.

Frigid aire

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Artist on Main Street: Bananas Window


Artist on the Short Street: White Day in Gloucester


Artist on Church Windows: Gloucester MA

debbie clarke, church windows, gloucester ma

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Eye on Main Street: in reverse

I make no manipulation, other than crop. sometimes i change the brightness and/or contrast. i prefer the dada approach in terms all will understand: wysiwyg. my little $100 kodak does all right. it is one year old. i bet a new $100 kodak will have a lot more bells and whistles, but this is about as complicated as i wish to be about this.
can't wait until my studio is moved and i can really dig into some painting. for now, i will get some more epsom ink, some square panels and start mounting these. $50 for 5"x5" on raised panel. line 'em up and fill a wall. go for visual overload. stimulate some excitement.

Eye on Main Street, Summer White Days

Bananas Window, Main Street Gloucester MA. Antique and Vintage cotton and linens to cool the heat wave. Richard will change the window today.

Eye on Main Street, Willie Alexander at Mystery Train

Found on Main Street: Willie Alexander's construction in the Mystery Train window. The intent was to capture the artist (me) on the art, but the camera got visual overload. Glad to document Willie's work, as this window will soon be turned into a restroom facility.

Eye on Main Street, found art

Quarter pay phone (yes, there is one in town, free direct to AT&T, 25 cents, call anywhere in US).

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Main Exchange, goods

main street, gloucester ma

Main Exchange, gloucester ma

main street, gloucester ma

The Bookstore, gloucester ma

main street, gloucester ma

i remember marc!

ron rogers sat next to me last night at the patio in magnolia. we were catching up on mutual acquaintances and i mentioned the visit of marc (the former postman) via his omaha blog to this blogspot. i asked ron if icould take his picture. he said sure. and tell marc hello!
that's margo in the background. she made the best tips with pilaf and spinach last night. i cleaned my plate.